Since the first time I met the guys from Adventure Club at the Electrokill summer bash, I’ve been in love with everything they do. I knew their music before that but the fact that these guys are so cool to hang with and so down to earth seems to make their music even better. We asked them in a recent interview why, according to them, they gain that notoriety so fast and there answer was clear and spontaneous: ยซ blog love and the fact that their music is free most of the time ยป. They have never liked paying for music so they don’t feel they should charge for their own…….another example of there coolness haha. The track they just released today is sick and on top of it they release their first official music video. Pure Adventure Club style and I bet you guys that it will soon top the hype machine chart just like Crave You did. To me, this track is pure gold and will reach the same status as Crave You. I know you guys will enjoy this so get it, love it and share it. Of course you need to show the guys some love so follow them on facebook, soundcloud and like there tracks on hypem.
LIPS – Everything To Me (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix)
Here’s the official music video which I have to say is refreshing. For once, a video is not just some club scenes with hot girls all around the place. Not that I don’t like hot girls in videos but this is, as I said, really refreshing.