Mind Eraser and Energy, from Mafia Records and SHURIKEN Records respectively, is a gritty G-House / Bass House super combo with the help of an irresistible thump and groove by Dyce. They are separate releases but they have a matching vibe that’s present in every aspect: from the artwork to production and sampling style. While the full power of this new Dyce music becomes evident only after listening to them back-to-back, it’s also worth looking at them in isolation to see what exactly makes them bangers.
Of course, calling any of these 2 tracks “laid-back” is the most misleading thing one can do to describe them, but Mind Eraser feels just a bit calmer than Energy. It’s still danceable, aggressive, even grittier than Energy, but only in comparison to the latter. On its own, Mind Eraser is hyperactive and dense as concrete. With grime samples, siren-like sound effects, and rusty atmospheres, it makes you feel the energy of the streets with its every bass-drum hit.
Energy picks up where Mind Eraser leaves off (or vice-versa, depending on how you prefer listening to the tracks). However, it speeds up the tempo and increases the aggression with the help of the heavier sub-bass frequencies and lead synths in its drop. Less gritty than Mind-Eraser, it still has Dyce’s signature “dirty” style of production. Where Mind Eraser lets the sound effects and synths play the role of sirens of an approaching police car, Energy samples real ones. And where Mind Eraser prepares things to be set in motion, Energy never lets the gas pedal leave the floor.
Since Dyce tries to keep it secretive, it’s unclear where exactly this conceptualization may lead. One way or another, both tracks’ G-House / Bass House distinctiveness and rock-solid quality leave no doubt that the style of the anonymous US-based artist Dyce continues consolidating with Mind Eraser and Energy.