If you’re looking for some chilled out, organic music to usher in Spring, then Spherical – Feels Right might just be the release for you. Featuring two tracks, If and Into the Light, Feels Right finds Spherical combining sparse, delicate melodies with pretty, ethereal vocal passages. The majority of the vocals are delivered by Acasia, also known as Casey Smith, whose graceful, glassy tones add to the already angelic aura of Spherical’s music. Indeed, this aura is palpable to such an extent that the artist actually refers to his musical style as Angel House, a term that really does sum up his knack for composing heavenly tunes and choosing celestial synth sounds.
Spherical – Feels Right begins with If, arguably the stronger of the two tracks. It establishes a solid but mellow groove early on, and well-placed vocal samples are used almost like an instrument themselves, with Acasia’s delicate, repeated articulation of the song’s opening phrase ‘if we get…’ acting like a riff. This is a song that drifts along at just the right pace, enchanting its listener but also keeping them relaxed. The second track Into the Light has a similar feel, although is also a lot more fluid, meandering gently along from one section to the next. The House aspect of the track really begins to emerge after around a minute, when a muted kick drum comes in and a sweet piano melody takes center stage. Both tracks take a different approach to the artist’s Angel House genre, with If in particular bringing sultry, subtle notes of Melodic House alongside an incredibly chill vibe.
In case you’re curious, the man behind Spherical – Into the Light is Shane Madden, who you might know better as Govinda (an alias he has operated under since the late 1990s). This is his second release under his new name, and it certainly whets the appetite for further material of this ilk from this talented artist.