Home Bass Music Rick Ross Goes EDM in JOYRYDE’s “WINDOWS” + Deflo Remix

Rick Ross Goes EDM in JOYRYDE’s “WINDOWS” + Deflo Remix

joyryde - rick ross- EDM - Trap 2016 - EKM.CO
joyryde - rick ross- EDM - Trap 2016 - EKM.CO

We’ve heard so many Trap and Festival Trap remixes of Rick Ross‘ in the past, songs like Hustlin’, B.M.F. and So Sophisticated just to name a few, it feels like hearing Rick Ross on a massive EDM Trap beat is nothing new. However, for the first time now, Ricky Rosay is spitting some fire on an original EDM Trap instrumental. Joyryde is the one to thank for this dope track, originally the instrumental was made for Shaq or aka DJ Diesel but Mr. Ross ended up being the one killin’ the track with a few bars. Many big names are already rocking this monster track in their gigs, Yellow Claw, Ghastly, Knife Party, DJ Snake and Jauz just to name a few. Stream the official music video below and enjoy the free download!


We have a bonus free download for you, Deflo’s remix of Windows is already supported by Joyryde himself! Stream and download below!

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/241935782″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


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