Home Deep House Kaivaan – Escape (feat. Hikaru Station) (Akame Remix)

Kaivaan – Escape (feat. Hikaru Station) (Akame Remix)

Kaivaan - Escape (feat. Hikaru Station)(Akame Remix) - EKM.CO
Kaivaan - Escape (feat. Hikaru Station)(Akame Remix) - EKM.CO

Mysterious producer Akame from Miami, but now located in Los Angeles, just released a beautiful remix of Kaivaan‘s song “Escape” featuring Hikaru Station. Featuring a smooth and euphoric deep house vibe, next level vocal chops and an incredible anime feel-good energy, I feel like it would be hard not to fall in love with his sound. When it comes to positive energy in music, I believe this is the perfect exemple.

After exploring Akame’s soundcloud, I noticed how versatile he is and how top shelf quality all his remixes are. From chill electronica and melodic trap, everything he puts his finger on turns to gold.

The stems for “Escape” are available on Dropbox if you want to have some fun with them. The original song is also available for free download here.

Make sure to follow Akame and FanServiceCollective on Twitter and Soundcloud.


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